Quality of Life
Quality for Business.

Atlantic Canada's Advanage at a Glance

The unique benefit of 4 provinces working as one expands the scope of the Atlantic Canada offering immensely. With barriers broken down and communications channels open, you can avail of the best minds, key associations, and leading initiatives across the whole of Atlantic Canada.

Less red tape and an appetite to get things done means you won’t need to sit and wait. Put your plans into action sooner and see them come to fruition more quickly.

A skilled local workforce and a world of qualified people to tap into, thanks to Canada’s favourable immigration policies and globally ranked post-secondary institutions such as Memorial University—38th in the world in the study of marine/ocean engineering.

Canada’s leading ocean region — to the power of 4. With over 40,000 km of coastline and established infrastructure in aquaculture, energy, shipbuilding, and ocean technology, there is no better place for your ocean-related business to grow.

Atlantic Canada Advantage


Between 2014 and 2020, Canada experienced a 40 percent increase in the value of foreign direct investments, indicating investor confidence in Canada

As a significant tech cluster, Atlantic Canada is reliable, focused on security, and has strong ties to NATO-compatible industry

More than half of Canada’s $30 billion ocean economy is anchored in Atlantic Canada

The region has a successful track record working with the European Space Agency

Living the
Canadian Life

In addition to the many advantages found in Atlantic Canada for companies operating in the oceans, aerospace and defence, and cyber technology sectors, the region also offers a high-standard of living, with abundant nature and great affordability. Here are a few insights into living and doing business in Atlantic Canada (compared to comparable Canadian and US regions).

Large population to draw from within the four provinces.

Higher amount of owned versus leased houses.

Higher per-capita income growth over US regions.

Highly-skilled workforce.

Greater emphasis on apprenticeships and trade certificates.

Higher proportion of employment in healthcare, tourism, logistics, construction, and primary goods sectors (agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining, oil and gas).

Higher percentage of occupations related to natural resource production and manufacturing, as well as recreation and logistics, making the region an important supply chain partner.

Good access to regional airports that allow connection to hubs.

Proximity to wilderness and natural attractions.

Fewer excessively hot (over 32 C) days mean more pleasant weather.



Atlantic Canada is big enough to offer all the capabilities and people you need — but offers the speed and agility of a smaller region.


Long known for its strengths and innovation in defence, information technology, and shipbuilding, Atlantic Canada is driving the front edge of advancement in ocean technology, cyber technology, and aerospace.


The Atlantic Canada workforce is hardworking and technically savvy. This, along with Canada’s transparent and aggressive immigration policy, makes it easier to build a world-beating team of talent here.


Our ports, universities, and business institutions were built by and to serve the needs of our core businesses and continue to evolve alongside those needs.


Energy Innovation

Atlantic Canada is a leader in 21st-century energy solutions. From harnessing wind power to exploring the potential of small nuclear reactors, the region is at the forefront of driving efficient and sustainable energy solutions from generation to distribution.


Cyber Technology

Fast becoming one of Canada’s most significant tech clusters, Atlantic Canada has its finger on the pulse of information security, critical infrastructure security, and financial technology.


Aerospace & Defence

The perfect testing ground for land-based vehicles, Atlantic Canada also has sky-high skills in aircraft repair and maintenance, along with serious smarts in sensors and simulations.


Ocean Expertise

A multi-billion-dollar aquaculture industry is just the tip of the iceberg. Atlantic Canada is also at the forefront of ocean technology, oil and gas, and shipbuilding.





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